Audible and Crayola Partnership

Inspire your kids
with great stories

Create a Kids Profile in the Audible app and choose which stories to share with your kids.

Pick 1 audiobook a month

Choose any title you want from our unmatched collection—including bestsellers and new releases. This is yours to keep.

Thousands of included titles

Listen all you want to thousands of included audiobooks and Originals with celebs you love and emerging talent.

Deals & discounts

Get in on exclusive sales and deals, and use your special member discount on any title, anytime.

Try Audible free Auto-renews at $14.95/mo after 2 months. Cancel anytime.

We’re a proud sponsor of Crayola Creativity Week

Join the week-long celebration of creativity and enter your school for a chance to win
a mobile creative listening station from Audible and Crayola.

Your kids can listen and get creative

See our collection of Audible Original kids stories with exclusive downloadable activities,
thanks to our friends at Crayola.
Offer available until May 31, 2025 at 11:59PM PT. Offer available only to new customers of You will receive a 2-month Audible free trial that includes 2 credits along with unlimited streaming of the Audible Plus Catalog as part of the standard Audible Premium Plus Membership plan. At the end of your free trial, your membership will continue until cancelled at the then current full price (currently, $14.95/mo. + tax) with your designated credit card or another card on file. Cancel anytime by visiting your Audible Account Details page. Audible reserves the right to modify or cancel the offer at any time. If you violate any of these terms, the offer will be invalid.