Plan an exciting summer with your children
It’s summer again and with the arrival of much-anticipated warm weather, everyone’s spirits are up. Kids are eager to get the most out of their holiday time, but with a number of outdoor activities being limited this summer, it’s only a matter of time before parents start hearing that dreaded phrase: “I’m bored.”
With school out, the best thing you can do as a parent to prepare is create a list of activities so that you always have a suggestion when they’ve run out of ideas. Get ready with a good combination of activities you can share and self-directed activities for those days when you just don’t have the time.
Need some ideas? These summer activities will help keep boredom at bay.
#1 Teach Them How to Cook
Cooking skills are essential later in life. Teaching your child how to cook gets them comfortable with kitchen tools and gives them a foundation for making their own meals. If there’s one skill that will make your child feel independent and capable later in life, it’s this.
Plus, it’s a great way to spend quality time together and still get dinner made on time! Find advice on food safety for kids and what tasks are appropriate for different age groups. Start early and you’ll always have a companion in the kitchen. Need some inspiration? Start with the Kids Cookbook for 20 easy recipes can make.
#2 Try an Audiobook for Your Next Story Time
Another fantastic activity is story time. Without being able to interact with classmates and friends in the summer, younger kids can be more attention-hungry with their parents. Bedtime is the perfect time to give the positive attention they crave.
Listening together is a great way to enjoy some quality moments together. You can find an audiobook for bedtime or a daytime story break so that you can sit back and enjoy a professional performing. Audiobook narrators are professional voice actors (and sometimes celebrities) who add all the dramatic flair you need to make bedtime stories special.
Even as kids get older you can still enjoy listening together. With the full cast audio drama The Darkness of Sunnypoint, share a listen with children ages 10 and up. The Darkness of Sunnypoint is a deliciously dark story that starts with one family’s move into a big old Victorian house and one magical discovery.
#3 Check Out a Wildlife Webcam
Animals have a special way of tapping into a young child’s growing fascination with the world. Fortunately, you don’t have to go all the way to the zoo to see some wildlife!
Kids can learn all about rare and adorable wildlife thanks to a growing number of wildlife webcams provided by aquariums, zoos and even safaris. From jellyfish to antelopes, you can explore the animal kingdom around the world right from your living room. It’s an excellent way to spend the afternoon, just don’t be surprised when you start hearing requests to watch the penguins again!

#4 Get Them into a New Audiobook or Genre Independently
As important as quality time with your kids is, sometimes parents need some time to themselves. You need a few self-directed activities up your sleeve when your children come to you looking for something to do. Fortunately, Audible has tons of audiobooks that can keep children and teens entertained for hours.
Youth and teens have a rapidly evolving sense of taste. They know which stories they like and which ones they don’t – and they’re likely to change their mind at a moment’s notice. They outgrow things they liked only months ago. When it comes to teen and young adult titles, your best bet is asking your kids what they want to listen to.
Have a young teen who’s starting to get into comedies and stand-up? They can find some of their favourite comedians in these comedy listens. Teens are drawn to comedy that takes risks and speaks boldly. They can be a tough crowd, but when they find something that lands, it gets them laughing in a way that your dad jokes, as much as you try, never will.
If they’re getting into fantasy and science fiction, there are tons of kids’ sci-fi audiobooks to choose from, including the irresistible Artemis Fowl, about a 12-year-old genius who quickly gets embroiled with the Fairy People when he kidnaps a leprechaun. With the launch of the movie on streaming platforms this summer, don’t be surprised if you start hearing a lot more about Artemis Fowl in your house.
Want to get your kid hooked on the series that never ends? On Audible you can find all 130 titles from The Baby-Sitters Club, a classic series that you might have grown up with yourself. The first five of these Audible Originals are narrated by Elle Fanning, best known known for her role as Princess Aurora in Maleficent. As we’ve discussed on this blog before, it’s a special treat being able to share the stories you loved as a kid with your own children. You can enjoy them again too in a new format, read by incredible narrators.
#5 Learn Magic from Their Favourite Series
What kid wouldn’t love to learn magic, just like in their favourite fantasy series? Magic schools and institutes where kids go to learn arcane secrets are a favourite fantasy trope in children’s and YA literature. One way this trope has really taken off is the release of textbooks and manuals that the characters in the series would have used.
Now fans of The Kane Chronicles have their own sourcebook for the hieroglyphic spells of Egyptian Magic used by Carter Kane and his friends. With From the Kane Chronicles: Brooklyn House Magician’s Manual, aspiring initiates can spend hours learning all about the magic used in Rick Riordan’s beloved series.
Spend the Summer with Audible
Remember the feeling you had when you were younger and the school year was finally over? You had freedom, months and months of freedom. Don’t let your kids lose that feeling to the summer doldrums that inevitably come around by season’s end. With the help of audiobooks for children of all ages, they stay curious, excited and always hungry for more.
Make the most out of this summer! Plan some activities, find a new audiobook series and spend some quality time together with your family. Head over to Facebook if you have suggestions for a great new listen or fun summer activities.