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Level up with 25+ awesome litRPGs

Level up with 25+ awesome litRPGs

Note: This post was originally published on

I’m going to guess you’re here for one of two reasons: 1.) You liked the cool headline and wanted to know what LitRPG means. 2.) You know what a LitRPG is and are here to be dazzled. Good news—either way, you clicked for the right reason! Before we dive in, let me answer a few of your potential questions.

What is LitRPG?

Spelled out, LitRPG means Literary Role Playing Game. Simply put, it’s the book version of watching someone play a video game, usually one that’s set up like an MMO (massively multiplayer online) RPG. It’s a blend of sci-fi and fantasy, depending on how it comes to be that our main character ends up living inside a virtual reality. Sometimes we are far into the future. Sometimes it turns out that all humans have been abducted by an alien race. However you cut it, the point of LitRPG is not how we get there, but that we get to be in this virtual reality period, living life as a badass video-game character. Most LitRPGs even include game stats as the main character progresses through the challenges.

How do I know if LitRPG is right for me?

First off, do you like playing video games or have you ever been drawn to one? If yes, then this genre is meant for you. Do you find satisfaction in watching and/or reading about training montages? If yes, it’s for you. Do you like when the underdog wins? If that's a yes, then here you go! LitRPG is immensely satisfying to those of us who like watching our character level up—without having to do the grinding work ourselves.

Where do I start?

Good question. May I present to you this very fine list of options below? If you’re a noob to the genre, I’d suggest starting with the most popular titles and the entry-level listens in the beginner level, and then moving on from there.

Help! I think I’ve listened to all the LitRPGs in existence!

Wow! Good for you! More good news—you are absolutely wrong, because new titles are coming out all the time. Scroll to the advanced level and check out some old classics that became the first LitRPGs as well as a few hidden gems and newer releases.

Level: Beginner

Level: Intermediate

Level: Advanced


Level up with 25+ awesome litRPGs |