Take a step back from holiday chaos with motivational audiobooks
As much as we look forward to the mouth-watering smell of turkey roasting in the oven every Thanksgiving, there’s more to the holiday than just a big meal. It’s also the perfect time to reflect on the past year and express gratitude for the people in our lives who’ve helped us get where we are. Even if you can’t be with all of your loved ones this year, there’s still much to be thankful for.
One way you can step back and appreciate the holiday a little bit more is through meditation and mindfulness. By taking a quiet moment, you can find a minute of inner peace and get back into the festivities rejuvenated and recharged.
When you’re looking for some alone time in all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, Audible has your back. Motivational audiobooks and meditative podcasts are the perfect way to prep yourself for a busy weekend full of family and travel, or if you’re not able to be with family this year, the stress of missing that time together. If you’re feeling anxious about it all, the right listen can help you relax and enjoy the moment.
How to Find Balance
Balance is hard to come by in life. That’s truer than ever during the holidays when sometimes things just feel a bit hectic. How do you rediscover your positive energy when the world seems to be spinning faster than ever? Jay Shetty might have the answers.
In Think Like a Monk, Shetty shares the wisdom he learned during three years of training as a Vedic monk. When one of his teachers told him that he could do more for the world by sharing his experience with others, he discovered that many of his friends now working in the corporate world were struggling to cope with the pressure and anxiety.
Discovering the tremendous stress the people around him were under, Shetty began to share the lessons he’d learned on social media and quickly gained an enormous following. Think Like a Monk will teach you the practices he learned to reduce stress, improve relationships and always find the positive in life.
Humans are works in progress; we’re constantly changing. With intention and access to the right tools, we can improve the way we approach the world. There are many different self-improvement practices you can learn about in personal development audiobooks. Once you find one that speaks to you, you’ll be well on your way to living more mindfully. We have plenty of recommendations if you’re not sure where to start – get motivated with these titles on personal development or explore what’s out there on your own.
In some households, Thanksgiving dinner starts by having everyone at the table share something they’re thankful for that year. Think Like a Monk will teach you how to tap into that kind of gratitude every day of the year.

Ground Yourself Through Meditation
The kids are tearing through the house, the grandparents are already on their way over and your partner is rushing out to get the gravy mix you forgot. Before it all gets to feel overwhelming, you might just need a moment to breathe in – and breathe out.
Meditation has been used for thousands of years across many cultures. Today, it’s practiced in Western culture as a technique for focusing your mental energy and enhancing self-awareness. According to Professor Mark W. Muesse, meditation is an exercise for cultivating and refining mindfulness. His 24-part series, Practicing Mindfulness: An Introduction to Meditation is an excellent guide for those who want to try their hand at this age-old practice but don’t know where to start.
Beginners to meditation may find that it works better when they have someone to guide them. With the Audible Original 21 Days of Meditation, the team behind fitness app Aaptiv provides a 21-episode podcast full of lessons from yoga teacher Jess Ray. Each episode will help you release negativity and strengthen your ability to be mindful.
The most important thing you need to get ready for Thanksgiving is a good night’s sleep. Guided meditation can also be a useful way to get the rest you need before a big day. Audible has put together an original series of meditation and soundscapes that will help you calm down after a busy day and get some shut-eye.
Anyone who gets the jitters before big social occasions or family events can benefit from meditation. It’s a way to clear your head and ease your anxieties, so you can live life to its fullest and appreciate being in good company.
Learn How to Say Yes
Introverts have a particular way of dealing with the world. It’s often easier to say “no” and stay at home. That can make family obligations like the holidays tough to deal with, as there’s more pressure to join in and socialize.
With Year of Yes, TV producer Shonda Rhimes (behind hit shows Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal) talks about the life-changing practice of saying “yes.” As a mega-talented producer with an accomplished career and three kids, Rhimes had gotten into the habit of saying “no” when she got invitations to things like speaking events, media appearances and even social gatherings. But it was a pattern that was a little too comfortable and didn’t involve facing any new obstacles or fears. So Rhimes accepted a challenge laid out by her sister: Say yes to every unexpected invitation that came her way for just one year.
Anyone who feels like they’ve been stuck in a rut lately could learn a lot from Rhimes’ Year of Yes. It’s about putting yourself out into the world and accepting whatever comes along. Thanksgiving may not be an “unexpected” invitation, but by embracing the philosophy of saying yes, you’re setting yourself up for success. The holidays should be something we look forward to. When you come into it with a positive attitude about social events, you’re more likely to relax and enjoy the moment.
Rediscover Gratitude This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time for showing gratitude and recognizing all the reasons we have to be thankful about life. By meditating and practicing mindfulness, you can reconnect with the positivity in the world. If you’re new to mindfulness, check out some of these titles to inspire wellness. They can provide the background you need to get started.
Even if meditation isn’t your thing, you can still find a way to enjoy a moment of peace and quiet over the long weekend. Tune into some popular audiobooks while you get dinner ready or wind down in the aftermath of the holiday with a favourite listen.
Let us know how you reconnect with gratitude and handle holiday stress over Thanksgiving. Have a favourite podcast that always puts you in a better mood? Know a guided meditation that’s sure to clear your head? Tell us on Facebook and share your secrets.