• 10, Health is important, that's how I keep health

  • Jul 3 2024
  • Durée: 12 min
  • Podcast

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10, Health is important, that's how I keep health

  • Résumé

  • Hello, Internet. Here is Rican speaking. Today, let’s dive into something crucial—our health.

    First off, let me put it out there: health is like that one friend who doesn’t always get the spotlight but is absolutely essential. You don’t notice it much until it starts acting up. So, let's chat about keeping that friend in top shape, shall we?

    So, the other day, I was at this health food store, you know, just browsing for something that doesn't scream cardboard when you bite into it. The cashier, who looked like she could run a marathon while balancing a kale smoothie on her head, asked me if I’d tried spirulina.

    Spirulina—it sounds like some kind of space-age superfood, right? Turns out, it’s this blue-green algae that’s supposed to be packed with protein, vitamins, and antioxidants. Apparently, it’s the Beyoncé of the algae world. She handed me a sample, and I thought, “Hey, why not?” I mean, I’m always up for trying new things if they don’t smell like wet dog.

    I took it home, mixed it into a smoothie, and... wow. It tasted like I was drinking a pond. Not gonna lie. But they say it’s good for you, so maybe I’ll give it another shot when my taste buds are feeling brave.

    Let’s be real, though. Eating healthy isn’t just about chugging green stuff that tastes like you’re licking a lawnmower. It’s about balance. I mean, we can’t all survive on quinoa and kale 24/7, right? Sometimes, you just need a burger that’s more of a sculpture than a sandwich.

    But here’s the kicker—moderation. Even when you're indulging, keep it balanced. I’ve started following this 80/20 rule. 80% of the time, I’m all about the veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. The other 20%, I’m living my best life with pizza or whatever my cravings are calling for. It’s like keeping your health and your happiness on speaking terms.

    And speaking of happiness, let’s talk mental health. It’s just as important as physical health, folks. We’re in this crazy fast-paced world, and sometimes it’s like our brains are on a hamster wheel. That’s why it’s crucial to slow down, breathe, and take time for ourselves.

    I’ve recently gotten into mindfulness—which, despite sounding super zen, is actually pretty straightforward. It’s about being present and not letting your mind race ahead to all the “what ifs” and “should haves.” I started with just 5 minutes a day, sitting quietly, focusing on my breath, and it’s been surprisingly refreshing. No incense or chanting needed, just a moment to clear the fog.

    Another thing I swear by is staying active. Now, don’t panic. I’m not talking about becoming a gym rat or running marathons. It’s about finding something you enjoy that gets you moving. For me, it’s been hiking. There’s something about being out in nature that just resets my brain. Plus, there’s no better workout than trying to outrun a sudden rainstorm.

    If hiking isn’t your thing, maybe it’s dancing like nobody’s watching (even if everybody is) or just taking a brisk walk around the block. The goal is to get moving, not to punish yourself with endless burpees or crunches. Let’s face it—burpees were invented by someone who hates joy.

    Oh, and hydration. Seriously, drink water like it’s your job. Your body will thank you. I used to be terrible at this, but now I carry a water bottle everywhere. It’s like having a small, annoying friend constantly reminding you to take a sip. But hey, it works.

    Sleep—let’s not forget about sleep. I used to think I could get by on just a few hours, but trust me, being a zombie is not a good look. Aim for a solid 7-8 hours. Your brain and body do all sorts of magic while you’re asleep, like fixing stuff and processing the day. So, treat yourself to some good shut-eye.

    To sum it up, health isn’t just about one thing—it’s a mix of eating well, staying active, managing stress, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep. It’s about finding what works for you and sticking with it.

    I’m Rican, and I’ll see you next time, Internet.

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