Divorce feels similar to being widowed. You've lost your partner, you've lost the life and the future you thought you had, and you experience a significant amount of grief. Divorce after betrayal can feel isolating and overwhelming. This is why Kim Hansen Petroni has written her workbook: "Not a Casserole Widow" to provide education and cultivate self confidence in betrayed spouses pursuing divorce. Learn more about divorce after betrayal, and how Not a Casserole Widow can help you feel more empowered and less alone in today's episode. Connect with Kim: www.notacasserolewidow.com or, https://www.coachinghope4u.com Buy the book: https://a.co/d/0FvPXuL If you are a betrayed partner and would like to connect with Kylene for 1:1 coaching support, please click this link and book a free connection call: https://p.bttr.to/3ttk0Ql
Join the free RecoverU Facebook page for betrayed partners: www.facebook.com/groups/recoverU
For addicted spouses check our puredesire.org and soulrefiner.org
Follow Kylene:
On TikTok: @KyleneTerhune
On IG: @KyleneTerhune