In this episode of the VetMed Mind, Dr. Erin Holder, Shawn McVey, & Rachel Teichberg discuss what it means to help veterinarians and caregivers overcome burnout and continue their vital work with resilience.
Dr. Holder opened an integrative veterinary practice and after eighteen years suffered profound compassion fatigue. She sold her practice and began reflecting on what went wrong and how to heal herself. After completing compassion fatigue training and meditation instruction training, she felt she could bring new ideas of hope to the veterinary community. The Veterinary Compassion Project is born out of love for this community. She has written many blogs, created veterinary meditations and will host a restorative retreat in Northern California in April of 2025 for those working in the animal care world.
To learn more about Dr. Erin Holder's passions in life and work:
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The VetMed Mind is a podcast project about sharing inspirational stories, lessons, and successes from the fantastic people of the veterinary industry.