Celebrate World Conservation Strategy Day with this special episode of Big Blend Radio focusing on Sustainable Travel and Tourism. Hear what destinations are doing around the world to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices to safeguard the planet for their local community and future generations, and the ways travelers can be part of sustainable solutions.
FEATURED GUESTS: - Dan Howard – VP of Communications at Visit Park City: https://www.visitparkcity.com/ - Cheryl Leutjen – Environmental author and speaker: https://cherylleutjen.com/ - Maria Chamberlain – The Inn at Oxbow Acres: https://www.oxbowacresnh.com/ - Barbara Redding – Travel writer: https://barbararedding.com/ - Jo Clark – Travel writer: https://haveglasswilltravel.com/ - Glynn Burrows - Owner of Norfolk Tours UK: https://norfolk-tours.co.uk/ - Sharon K. Kurtz - Travel writer: https://sharonkkurtz.com/