• Facing Heights: A Journey to Overcome Fear in the Tatras

  • Mar 6 2025
  • Durée: 15 min
  • Podcast

Facing Heights: A Journey to Overcome Fear in the Tatras

  • Résumé

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Facing Heights: A Journey to Overcome Fear in the Tatras Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Jarné slnko jemne svietilo na snežienky prebúdzajúce sa z dlhého zimného spánku na úpätí majestátnych Tatier.En: The spring sun gently shone on the snowdrops awakening from a long winter sleep at the foot of the majestic Tatry Mountains.Sk: Stredoškoláci zo Žiliny sa konečne dočkali výletu, ktorý im sľubovala škola už dlhé mesiace.En: The high school students from Žilina finally awaited the trip that the school had promised them for many months.Sk: Medzi nimi stál Jozef, nadšený z každej príležitosti tráviť čas v prírode, a jeho kamarát Ladislav, ktorý viac obľuboval knihy ako túry.En: Among them stood Jozef, excited at every opportunity to spend time in nature, and his friend Ladislav, who preferred books over hikes.Sk: „Ladislav, dnes máme šancu skúsiť tú novú trasu.En: "Ladislav, today we have the chance to try that new route.Sk: Hovorí sa, že výhľad z nej je úžasný,“ navrhol Jozef, keď stáli na vrchole kopca, odkiaľ začína stúpajúca trasa.En: They say the view from there is amazing," suggested Jozef as they stood on the hilltop where the ascending trail begins.Sk: Ladislavovi sa nepáčila tá predstava, lebo jeho strach z výšok ho sprevádzal od detstva.En: Ladislav did not like the idea, as his fear of heights had accompanied him since childhood.Sk: „Neviem, Jozef,“ odpovedal Ladislav so znepokojením v hlase.En: "I don't know, Jozef," replied Ladislav with concern in his voice.Sk: „Tá výška ma desí, a čo ak nestihnem tvoj rýchly krok?En: "The height scares me, and what if I can't keep up with your quick pace?"Sk: “„Neboj sa, pôjdeme pomaly.En: "Don't worry, we'll go slowly.Sk: Sľubujem, že ťa nenechám za sebou,“ snažil sa Jozef presvedčiť svojho kamaráta.En: I promise I won't leave you behind," Jozef tried to reassure his friend.Sk: Rozmýšľal, či má rešpektovať Ladislavov strach alebo ho povzbudiť, aby svoje obavy prekonal.En: He wondered if he should respect Ladislav's fear or encourage him to overcome his worries.Sk: Tatranský les zalialo slnko.En: The Tatra forest was flooded with sunlight.Sk: Vôňa čerstvého lístia zmiešaného s tlejúcim ihličím bola neodolateľná.En: The scent of fresh leaves mixed with decaying pine needles was irresistible.Sk: Pred nimi sa rozprestierala trasa, ktorú Jozef túžil preskúmať.En: In front of them stretched the trail that Jozef longed to explore.Sk: Nakoniec sa Ladislav rozhodol.En: Finally, Ladislav made his decision.Sk: „Dobre, skúsime to,“ povedal pomaly.En: "Alright, let's try it," he said slowly.Sk: Kráčali spolu po klzkých chodníkoch, ktoré sa pomaly zbierali z topiaceho sa snehu.En: They walked together along the slippery paths gradually clearing from the melting snow.Sk: Zo skál, vyššie v horách, tiekli potôčiky vody.En: Streams of water flowed from the rocks higher up in the mountains.Sk: Ladislav sa snažil chápať pohľad každým krokom.En: Ladislav tried to grasp the view with every step.Sk: Jozef opatrne vyberal trasu a občas sa zastavil, aby znova povzbudil kamaráta.En: Jozef carefully chose the route and occasionally stopped to once again encourage his friend.Sk: Došli na vrchol.En: They reached the top.Sk: Ladislav žasol.En: Ladislav was in awe.Sk: Krásny výhľad odkryl široké doliny a voňajúce voňavé stromy okolo.En: The beautiful view revealed wide valleys and fragrant trees all around.Sk: Cítil, že sa jeho strach nemohol rovnať tejto kráse sveta.En: He felt that his fear could not compare to this beauty of the world.Sk: „To je nádhera,“ šepol so širokým úsmevom a v očiach mu iskryli nové odhodlanie.En: "It's magnificent," he whispered with a wide smile, new determination sparkling in his eyes.Sk: Jozef sa naňho usmieval.En: Jozef smiled at him.Sk: Bol hrdý na svojho kamaráta.En: He was proud of his friend.Sk: „Vidíš, povedal som ti, že to bude stáť za to,“ žartoval.En: "See, I told you it would be worth it," he joked.Sk: Spoločne sa posadili na kameň a vychutnávali krásny pohľad na jar rozvíjajúcu sa v horách.En: Together they sat on a rock and enjoyed the beautiful view of spring unfolding in the mountains.Sk: Ladislav sa vrátil domov iný.En: Ladislav returned home different.Sk: Už nebol len knižný červ.En: He was no longer just a bookworm.Sk: Objavil v sebe chuť na výlety, pričom sa naučil, že dokáže prekonávať svoje strachy.En: He discovered in himself a taste for trips, learning that he could overcome his fears.Sk: Tatranské hory mu ukázali, že skutočná odvaha je vyskúšať niečo nové.En: The Tatra mountains showed him that true courage is trying something new. Vocabulary Words:gently: jemnesnowdrops: snežienkymajestic: ...
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