Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Healing Brushstrokes: A Sibling's Journey Through Art and Memory Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2025-03-08-23-34-00-id Story Transcript:Id: Hujan turun deras di Jakarta, membasahi jalan-jalan dan membuat suara seperti simfoni lembut di atas jendela-jendela besar.En: The rain poured heavily in Jakarta, drenching the streets and creating a sound like a gentle symphony on the large windows.Id: Di dalam Galeri Nasional Indonesia, suasana terasa damai dengan aroma cat minyak dan kayu mengisi udara.En: Inside the Galeri Nasional Indonesia, the atmosphere felt peaceful with the scent of oil paint and wood filling the air.Id: Adi dan Rini, kakak beradik, berjalan perlahan di antara dinding-dinding penuh lukisan.En: Adi and Rini, siblings, walked slowly among walls full of paintings.Id: Rini, dengan mata berbinar, melihat setiap karya seni dengan antusiasme.En: Rini, her eyes sparkling, looked at each artwork with enthusiasm.Id: "Kak, lihat lukisan ini!" serunya, menunjuk ke arah lukisan lanskap dengan pegunungan dan sawah.En: "Brother, look at this painting!" she exclaimed, pointing to a landscape painting with mountains and rice fields.Id: Ingatan tentang ibu mereka langsung muncul, yang selalu mengajak mereka berjalan-jalan ke tempat-tempat indah seperti itu.En: Memories of their mother immediately surfaced, who always took them on walks to such beautiful places.Id: Rini ingin membuat lukisan untuk mengenang ibu mereka yang sudah tiada, sebagai cara mencari ketenangan.En: Rini wanted to create a painting to remember their mother, who had passed away, as a way to find peace.Id: Adi berjalan di samping Rini, berusaha tegar meski hatinya juga tertekan.En: Adi walked beside Rini, trying to stay strong even though his heart was also heavy.Id: Ia tahu betapa pentingnya proyek ini bagi adiknya, tetapi ia khawatir Rini belum siap menghadapi emosi yang mungkin muncul.En: He knew how important this project was for his sister, but he worried that Rini wasn't ready to face the emotions that might arise.Id: "Hati-hati memilih, jangan memaksakan diri," kata Adi pelan, suaranya serak.En: "Be careful in choosing, don't push yourself," Adi said softly, his voice hoarse.Id: Nyepi semakin dekat—hari dimana semua diam di Bali, tidak ada aktivitas, mengingatkan mereka untuk refleksi dan kedamaian.En: Nyepi was approaching—a day when everything goes silent in Bali, no activities, reminding them of reflection and peace.Id: Meski mereka tak merayakannya secara langsung, semangatnya menyentuh hati mereka berdua.En: Even though they didn't celebrate it directly, its spirit touched both their hearts.Id: Mereka tiba di ruangan favorit mereka di galeri, tempat lukisan-lukisan abstrak yang penuh warna.En: They arrived at their favorite room in the gallery, the place with vibrant abstract paintings.Id: Rini diam, terpesona oleh permainan warna dan bentuk yang dinamis.En: Rini stood quietly, captivated by the play of color and dynamic shapes.Id: "Disini, Kak. Disini aku ingin mencari inspirasi," bisiknya.En: "Here, Brother. Here is where I want to find inspiration," she whispered.Id: Melihat adiknya begitu bersemangat, Adi menarik napas dalam.En: Seeing his sister so enthusiastic, Adi took a deep breath.Id: Ia ingin mendukung Rini, namun juga terus berhati-hati agar tidak melukai perasaannya.En: He wanted to support Rini but also remained cautious not to hurt her feelings.Id: "Rini, aku mengerti kamu rindu Ibu. Aku juga," ujarnya akhirnya, jujur.En: "Rini, I understand you miss Mom. I do too," he finally said, honestly.Id: "Tapi aku takut kamu akan terluka lebih dalam."En: "But I'm afraid you'll be hurt even more deeply."Id: Rini menoleh, menatap mata kakaknya yang penuh perhatian.En: Rini turned, looking into her brother's caring eyes.Id: "Aku tahu, Kak. Tapi aku butuh melakukan ini. Untuk kita, untuk Ibu," katanya dengan keteguhan.En: "I know, Brother. But I need to do this. For us, for Mom," she said with determination.Id: "Aku kuat. Ibu akan bangga, kan?"En: "I'm strong. Mom would be proud, right?"Id: Adi terdiam sejenak, memikirkan kata-kata adiknya.En: Adi was silent for a moment, pondering his sister's words.Id: Suara hujan semakin deras.En: The sound of rain grew heavier.Id: "Baiklah. Kita lakukan ini bersama. Tapi kita juga tambahkan kenangan kita berdua, agar lebih berarti," Adi tersenyum tipis.En: "Alright. We'll do this together. But let's also add our memories, to make it more meaningful," Adi smiled faintly.Id: Mereka menatap satu sama lain, mengerti bahwa ini adalah langkah maju.En: They looked at each other, understanding that this was a step forward.Id: Rini akan fokus pada cinta dan kenangan dari ibu mereka, sedangkan Adi akan menambahkan sentuhan kenangan saat mereka bertiga bersama.En: Rini would focus on the love and memories of their mother, while Adi would add the touches of memories when the three of them were together.Id: ...