• Finding Courage in a Gallery: Izidor's Artistic Journey

  • Mar 8 2025
  • Durée: 16 min
  • Podcast

Finding Courage in a Gallery: Izidor's Artistic Journey

  • Résumé

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Courage in a Gallery: Izidor's Artistic Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-03-08-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ob sončnem pomladnem jutru se je skupina mladih učencev iz Ljubljane zbrala pred Narodno galerijo Slovenije.En: On a sunny spring morning, a group of young students from Ljubljana gathered in front of the National Gallery of Slovenia.Sl: Narodno galerijo, obdano z zelenjem in cvetovi, je že dolgo krasil vonj po sveže cvetočih rožah, ki so sramežljivo kukale skozi okna.En: The National Gallery, surrounded by greenery and blossoms, had long been graced with the scent of freshly blooming flowers, which shyly peeked through the windows.Sl: Med temi učenci so bili tudi Izidor, Katja in Maja.En: Among these students were Izidor, Katja, and Maja.Sl: Izidor je sanjal o umetnosti.En: Izidor dreamed of art.Sl: Želel je, da bi nekoč njegovo delo viselo v tej čudoviti galeriji.En: He wished that one day his work would hang in this beautiful gallery.Sl: Vedel je, da bo danes priložnost, da pokaže svoj talent.En: He knew that today would be an opportunity to showcase his talent.Sl: "Moraš ustvariti nekaj posebnega," si je šepnil, a dvomi so ga začeli obdajati kot oblaki neba.En: "You have to create something special," he whispered to himself, but doubts began to surround him like clouds in the sky.Sl: "Kaj, če se mi posmehujejo?En: "What if they laugh at me?"Sl: " se je spraševal.En: he wondered.Sl: Katja, vestna in organizirana, je držala v rokah seznam.En: Katja, diligent and organized, held a schedule in her hands.Sl: "Moramo ostati na urniku," je opozarjala, ko so stopali v prvo dvorano.En: "We must stay on schedule," she warned as they stepped into the first hall.Sl: Maja se je navdušeno ozrla po umetninah.En: Maja eagerly looked at the works of art.Sl: Oboževala je umetnost, vendar se je redko počutila dovolj samozavestno, da bi ustvarjala sama.En: She adored art, but she rarely felt confident enough to create herself.Sl: "Ti si res dober, Izidor," je rekla.En: "You're really good, Izidor," she said.Sl: Ko so vstopili v galerijo, so jih obkrožili veličastni portreti in slike.En: As they entered the gallery, they were surrounded by magnificent portraits and paintings.Sl: Izidor je bil kot prikovan.En: Izidor was transfixed.Sl: Njegovo srce je začelo hitreje biti, ko je zagledal sliko Ljubljanskega barja.En: His heart began to beat faster when he saw the painting of the Ljubljansko barje.Sl: V istem trenutku je Katja razglasila, da imajo še pol ure, preden nadaljujejo.En: At the same moment, Katja announced that they had half an hour before continuing.Sl: Tako je Izidor sklenil, da mora najti miren kotiček.En: So Izidor decided he needed to find a quiet corner.Sl: "Bom se ločil malo, da se bolje osredotočim," je rekel bolj sebi kot ostalima.En: "I'll separate a little to focus better," he said more to himself than to the others.Sl: S skicirko v roki je sedel na udobno klop in pričel s skico.En: With a sketchbook in hand, he sat on a comfortable bench and started with a sketch.Sl: Trudil se je ujeti svetlobo in senco, toda čas je hitro mineval.En: He tried to capture the light and shadow, but time quickly passed.Sl: Ko se je čas iztekel, je bila slika še nepopolna.En: When the time was up, the drawing was still incomplete.Sl: Izidor je okleval.En: Izidor hesitated.Sl: "Naj pokažem?En: "Should I show it?"Sl: " vprašal se je.En: he asked himself.Sl: Konec koncev, odločil se je zbrati pogum.En: In the end, he decided to gather courage.Sl: Stopil je do Katje in Maje ter razgrnil svojo skico pred njima.En: He walked over to Katja and Maja and unfolded his sketch in front of them.Sl: "O moj bog, Izidor!En: "Oh my god, Izidor!Sl: To je čudovito!En: It's wonderful!"Sl: " je vzkliknila Maja.En: Maja exclaimed.Sl: Katja je prikimala in dodala: "Res si nadarjen.En: Katja nodded and added, "You really are talented.Sl: Pokaži to učiteljici.En: Show this to the teacher."Sl: ""Misliš?En: "Do you think so?"Sl: " je vprašal z skeptičnosjo.En: he asked with skepticism.Sl: A njune besede so ga pomirile.En: But their words reassured him.Sl: Prvič je Izidor začutil, da ga ni strah deliti svoje strasti.En: For the first time, Izidor felt he wasn't afraid to share his passion.Sl: Razumel je, da umetnost ni le v popolnosti, temveč v izražanju svojih čustev.En: He understood that art is not only about perfection but about expressing one's feelings.Sl: Na koncu dneva je Izidor zapustil galerijo z novo zaupanostjo.En: By the end of the day, Izidor left the gallery with newfound confidence.Sl: Vedel je, da je naredil prvi korak k svojemu umetniškemu sanjam.En: He knew he had taken the first step towards his artistic dreams.Sl: Prostor kolem njega je bil isti, a svetloba je bila nekako drugačna.En: The space around him was the same, yet the light was somehow different.Sl: ...
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