Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: When Allergies Led to Unexpected Connections at Ziyoujia Café Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2025-03-09-22-34-01-zh Story Transcript:Zh: 明走进了自由家的咖啡馆,他深吸一口气,闻到了春天的气息。En: Ming walked into Ziyoujia coffee shop and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of spring.Zh: 今天是清明节,店里摆满了鲜花和绿色植物,纪念先人。En: Today was Qingming Festival, and the shop was filled with fresh flowers and green plants to commemorate the ancestors.Zh: 木桌上放着几朵樱花,光线柔和,透过大窗户洒在店里,空气中弥漫着咖啡的香气。En: A few cherry blossoms were placed on the wooden table, and soft light streamed through the large windows, filling the air with the aroma of coffee.Zh: 每天,明都喜欢在这里写作。En: Every day, Ming enjoyed writing here.Zh: 他总是选择靠窗的位子,可以一边欣赏街道上的樱花,一边工作。En: He always chose a seat by the window so he could admire the cherry blossoms on the street while working.Zh: 然而今天,这些美丽的花朵让他开始打喷嚏。En: However, today, these beautiful flowers made him start sneezing.Zh: “阿嚏!”明一下打了三四个喷嚏。En: "Achoo!" Ming sneezed three or four times in a row.Zh: 他的鼻子突然痒了起来,眼泪也开始在眼眶打转。En: His nose suddenly became itchy, and tears began to well up in his eyes.Zh: 他没想到自己对这些花过敏。En: He hadn't expected to be allergic to these flowers.Zh: 这个时候,明注意到了坐在不远处的莉。En: At this moment, Ming noticed Li sitting not far away.Zh: 莉是一个自信的平面设计师,她经常来这个咖啡馆设计自己的项目。En: Li was a confident graphic designer who often came to this coffee shop to work on her projects.Zh: 明一直想和莉聊聊天,可是因为害羞,一直没敢接近她。En: Ming had always wanted to chat with Li, but he was too shy to approach her.Zh: “小夏,能给我来一杯热茶吗?”明挤出一个微笑,对柜台后的夏说。En: "Xia, could I have a cup of hot tea?" Ming forced a smile and said to Xia behind the counter.Zh: 夏是咖啡馆的服务员,总是面带微笑,待人友好。En: Xia was a server at the café, always smiling and friendly to everyone.Zh: 当夏给明送茶过来时,注意到了明的状态。En: When Xia brought the tea over, she noticed Ming's condition.Zh: “你还好吗?你看起来不太舒服。”En: "Are you okay? You don't look too well."Zh: “我……我对这些花有点过敏。”明无奈地指了指桌上的樱花。En: "I... I'm a bit allergic to these flowers," Ming said helplessly, pointing to the cherry blossoms on the table.Zh: 虽然鼻塞和眼泪让他说话有点困难,但他还是努力表现得轻松。En: Even though his stuffy nose and tears made speaking a bit difficult, he tried to appear relaxed.Zh: 就在这时,明看到了靠近自己的莉。En: Just then, Ming saw Li approaching him.Zh: 莉手里拿着纸巾和过敏药。En: She had tissues and allergy medicine in her hand.Zh: “你看起来需要这个。”她的声音温柔,她微微一笑,把纸巾和药递给明。En: "You look like you need this," she said gently, with a slight smile, as she handed the tissues and medicine to Ming.Zh: “谢谢你,莉。”明接过药和纸巾,脸上露出不好意思的笑容。En: "Thank you, Li," Ming said, accepting the medicine and tissues, with an embarrassed smile on his face.Zh: 这是他第一次和莉说话,他的心跳加速,不知道说什么好。En: This was the first time he spoke to Li, and his heart raced, unsure of what to say.Zh: “我也对花粉过敏。”莉坐下来,跟明解释说,“我总是随身携带这些东西,怕像你一样有今天这样的情况。”En: "I'm allergic to pollen too," Li explained, sitting down, "I always carry these things with me, just in case I end up in a situation like yours."Zh: 在莉的帮助下,明渐渐感觉好些了。En: With Li's help, Ming gradually started to feel better.Zh: 他们开始聊天,分享各自的工作经验和在创作中遇到的困难。En: They began to chat, sharing their work experiences and the challenges they encountered in their creative endeavors.Zh: 他们发现彼此有许多共同之处,兴趣爱好也十分相似。En: They discovered that they had a lot in common, with very similar interests and hobbies.Zh: 明心里暖暖的。En: Ming felt a warm feeling in his heart.Zh: 他意识到,有时候,开放自己,展现脆弱的一面,才能建立真正的联系。En: He realized that sometimes, opening up and showing vulnerability can establish a true connection.Zh: 他和莉不再是陌生人,而是互相理解的朋友,或许未来还能成为更密切的伙伴。En:...