Dr Dorsey is one of the World's leading experts on PD and delivers his expertise in a very refreshing direct no nonsense way.
Dr Ray Dorsey is a professor of neurology and director of the Center for Human Experimental Therapeutics at the University of Rochester Medical Center. He is working to identify and eliminate the root causes of Parkinson's disease.
He is co-author of the book, "Ending Parkinson's Disease" in which he, Bas Bloem, Michael Okun and Todd Sherer lay out a plan to help prevent Parkinson's and improve care and treatment.
He has just announced the publication of "The Parkinson's Plan" co written with Dr. Michael Okun and available for pre order, just email info@endingPD.org for a link
Dr. Dorsey is investigating new treatments for movement disorders and is working on ways to improve the way care is delivered for individuals with Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders. Using simple web-based video conferencing, he and his colleagues are seeking to provide care to individuals with Parkinson's disease.