中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄

Auteur(s): 貝貝媽咪 BeiBei Mommy
  • Résumé

  • 故事podcast by 貝貝媽咪😍一位在美國愛說故事的 臨‌床‌藥‌師‌媽咪🥳 裡面有 成語、科學、寓言故事等,讓孩子們用聽故事的方式來學習 啟發孩子的想像力、思考力、愛💕、關懷。 以生動活潑的廣播劇方式, 帶著小朋友用想像力一起進入故事世界裡🍄 A story Podcast for kids in Mandarin produced by BeiBei Mommy, who loves telling stories to kids and using different voices to act out different roles to bring stories to life🍄 All the stories are modified/created to make them more engaging for kids. Kids can listen to stories and sharpen their Mandarin skills, learn about culture, science and a lot more to inspire curiosity, love💕, and kindness. 🟦Facebook: 請搜尋 "中文故事屋" search for "Little Mandarin Pod"
    貝貝媽咪 BeiBei Mommy
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  • EP48 【傳說&科學報導】天狗吃太陽☀️|日全食報導 Total Solar Eclipse Story and News
    May 24 2024

    ☀️4/08/2024在北美洲發生了日全食, 高掛在天空的太陽突然不見了,天空突然暗了下來,這到底是怎麼一回事呢?在古時候大家以為太陽是被天狗吃掉了,所以流傳著一個「天狗吃太陽」的傳說故事...

    ☀️故事之後,還有 【兒童新聞報一報】誰把太陽吃掉了,日全食介紹喔~【World News for Little People】Total Solar Eclipse

    💡想試試看【兒童新聞考一考】嗎?請聽「貝媽豆妹童樂會」Podcast EP.29兒童新聞-日全食 (「貝媽豆妹童樂會」節目比較high一點,比較適合非睡覺時間聽喔~😉🥳)

    🍄劇本、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪 ; 特別感謝四歲的牛牛演出天狗

    🍄script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy

    🟦facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/ 歡迎來參觀留言喔~Please come visit and leave me a message

    ☎️貝貝媽咪⁠⁠⁠語音信箱 BeiBei Mommy’s voice message line⁠⁠⁠

    🥳貝媽的另一個節目「貝媽豆妹童樂會 」Please also check out “Little Mandarin Party” podcast

    在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,歡迎大家一起來開童樂會喔!During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs, chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes.

    🎧收聽連結Listening links:

    Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1597611214

    Flink 萬用連結: https://open.firstory.me/user/littlemandarinparty/platforms

    ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱和跟朋友分享喔,有新的故事就可以收到通知~

    ❤️If you like listening to my stories, please remember to subscribe and share.

    📧Email: beibeimommy@gmail.com

    ✨贊助貝媽買故事/音樂/設備 Sponsor our Podcast (to help purchase music/stories, and equipment):

    Paypal @ beimom https://paypal.me/beimom

    monthly contribution: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/support

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    11 min
  • 🐲龍年吉祥話 Dragon Year Blessings 🧨
    Feb 9 2024

    🧨在過年期間小朋友會到親朋好友家拜年,貝貝媽咪來教小朋友一些龍年的吉祥話,小朋友去拜年時可以用到喔 ~

    貝貝媽咪 祝福大家 鯉躍龍門,步步高升,心想事成,好運龍總來!😘

    🧧一起來做「蜜糖紅豆年糕」吧!!超級簡單呦,只要三個材料攪一攪,蒸一下,好吃的紅豆年糕就完成囉~ Try out this super easy semi homemade niángāo recipe. 影片連結video link:https://youtu.be/P6dezUEvci0

    🧧貼春聯美勞 Print out/ Spring decoration Print Out


    🧧帶動唱:「恭喜恭喜」New year Song “Congratulations!”


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    4 min
  • Rebroadcast 【改編故事】調皮搗蛋的年獸🥳 The Naughty Nian Monster
    Feb 9 2024


    影片連結video link:https://youtu.be/P6dezUEvci0

    Try out this super easy semi homemade niángāo (lunar new year rice cake) recipe with BeiMa. It's a very fun new year activity for kids!

    🧧貼春聯美勞printout https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UyqrIDVbsRX0p_PhrE3VvUSdMfhPgArU/view?usp=sharing

    🍭The Naughty Nian Monster likes to play tricks on people on Lunar New Year’s Eve…I modified the traditional story to make it more suitable for our young audience.

    🍄故事改編、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪

    🍄script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy

    🟦facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/ 歡迎來參觀留言喔~Please come visit and leave me a message

    ☎️貝貝媽咪語音信箱 BeiBei Mommy’s voice message line

    🥳貝媽的另一個節目「貝媽豆妹童樂會 」Please also check out “Little Mandarin Party” podcast

    在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,歡迎大家一起來開童樂會喔!During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs, chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes.

    🎧收聽連結Listening links:

    Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1597611214

    Flink 萬用連結: https://open.firstory.me/user/littlemandarinparty/platforms

    ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱和跟朋友分享喔,有新的故事就可以收到通知~

    ❤️If you like listening to my stories, please remember to subscribe and share.

    📧Email: beibeimommy@gmail.com

    ✨贊助貝媽買故事/音樂/設備 Sponsor our Podcast (to help purchase music/stories, and equipment):

    Paypal @ beimom https://paypal.me/beimom

    monthly contribution: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/support

    #年的故事 #年獸 #LunarNewYearStory #NianMonster #調皮搗蛋的年獸#兒童故事 #床邊故事 #storypodcast #mandarinstory #chinesestory #kidsstory #寓言故事 #故事podcast #kidsstory #兒童podcast #故事播客 #bedtimestory #storyinmandarin #kidsstorypodcast #storypodcastinmandarin #mandarinpodcastforkids #睡前故事 #中文故事 #床邊故事

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    9 min

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