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旅遊|機場怪奇物語:為什麼我們在機場行為失控? / Airport Oddities: Why Do We Lose Control at the Airport?
你有沒有在機場看過奇怪的行為?從睡在地上到試圖打開飛機艙門,機場似乎會讓人們做出反常的舉動。本期節目將從心理學角度分析,揭露機場如何模糊時間空間、引發壓力焦慮,甚至釋放內心的「本我」,導致行為失控。/ Have you ever witnessed strange behavior at the airport? From sleeping on the floor to trying to open the airplane door, the airport seems to make people act abnormally. In this episode, we will analyze from a psychological perspective, revealing how the airport blurs time and space, triggers stress and anxiety, and even releases the inner self, leading to loss of control.
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