
  • 2. Chinese Tea 中国茶🍵
    Feb 19 2025
    大家好,我是你的汉语老师Ruyi,欢迎收听我的慢速汉语播客。这是播客适合初级及中级的汉语学习者。通过收听慢速汉语播客,你可以有效提高你的汉语听说能力。今天的播客我想和大家聊一聊,茶。你喜欢喝茶吗?你知道中国哪些茶呢?我本人是特别喜欢喝茶的。我觉得喝茶是一种非常健康的生活方式,而且和咖啡相比,茶对我来说更柔和,更能让身心感到放松。中国是茶的故乡,茶的历史很长很长。传说很久以前,有一位叫神农的人,他发现了一种植物,可以治病,这种植物就是茶。从那时起,中国人就开始喝茶了。中国有很多种茶,比如绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、白茶、黄茶和黑茶。每种茶的味道都不一样,有的苦,有的甜,有的香。我们先来说说绿茶。绿茶是不发酵的茶,颜色是绿色的,味道很清新。龙井茶和碧螺春是很有名的绿茶。红茶是全发酵的茶,颜色是红色的,味道很浓。祁门红茶和滇红是很有名的红茶。乌龙茶是半发酵的茶,味道介于绿茶和红茶之间。铁观音和大红袍是很有名的乌龙茶。除了这些茶,中国还有很多其他种类的茶,比如白茶、黄茶和黑茶。每种茶都有自己独特的味道和功效。在中国,人们喜欢和朋友们约在茶馆,一起喝茶聊天,桌子上还会放一些糕点和茶一起吃。我们认为这是一种非常享受的生活方式。听完这期播客,你喜欢哪种茶呢?你喝过哪种茶呢?欢迎在评论区告诉我,我们下次再见!2. TeaHello, everyone. I'm your Chinese Teacher Ruyi. Welcome to listen to my slow Chinese podcast. This is a podcast suitable for beginner and intermediate Chinese learners. By listening to slow Chinese podcasts, you can effectively improve your Chinese listening and speaking skills.Today's podcast, I want to talk to you about tea. Do you like drinking tea? Do you know what kind of tea in China? I like drinking tea very much. I think drinking tea is a very healthy way of life, and compared with coffee, tea is softer for me and can make my body and mind feel more relaxed.China is the hometown of tea, and tea has a long history. Legend has it that a long time ago, a man named Shennong found a plant that could cure diseases, which was tea. Since then, Chinese people have been drinking tea.There are many kinds of tea in China, such as green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea, and black tea. Each tea tastes different, some are bitter, some are sweet, and some are fragrant.Let's talk about green tea first. Green tea is non-fermented tea. The color is green and the taste is very fresh. Longjing tea and Biluochun are very famous green teas.Black tea is a fully fermented tea, which is red and has a strong taste. Qimen black tea and Yunnan red tea are very famous black teas.Oolong tea is a semi-fermented tea with a taste between green tea and black tea. Tieguanyin and Dahongpao are very famous oolong teas.In addition to these teas, there are many other kinds of tea in China, such as white tea, yellow tea, and black tea. Each tea has its unique taste and efficacy.In China, people like to make an appointment with friends in a teahouse, drink tea and chat together, and put some pastries and tea on the table to eat together. We think this is a very enjoyable way of life.After listening to this podcast, what kind of tea do you like? What kind of tea have you had? Welcome to let me know in the comment section. See you next time!HSK1茶 (chá) - tea喜欢 (xǐhuān) - to like很 (hěn) - very好 (hǎo) - good人 (rén) - person朋友 (péngyou) - friend喝 (hē) - to drink说 (shuō) - to say颜色 (yánsè) - color不 (bù) - notHSK2历史 (lìshǐ) - history发现 (fāxiàn) - to discover开始 (kāishǐ) - to start种 (zhǒng) - kind/type味道 (wèidao) - taste苦 (kǔ) - bitter甜 (tián) - sweet香 (xiāng) - fragrant身体 (shēntǐ) - body聊天 (liáotiān) - to chatHSK3故乡 (gùxiāng) - hometown植物 (zhíwù) - plant治病 (zhìbìng) - to cure diseases清新 (qīngxīn) - fresh浓 (nóng) - strong放松 (fàngsōng) - to relax享受 (xiǎngshòu) - to enjoy生活 (shēnghuó) - life方式 (fāngshì) - way/method节目 (jiémù) - programHSK4传说 (chuánshuō) - legend发酵 (fājiào) - fermentation独特 (dútè) - unique功效 (gōngxiào) - effect介于...之间 (jièyú...zhījiān) - between...and...心情 (xīnqWant to learn Chinese with me? 👉https://linktr.ee/RuyiChinese
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    5 min
  • (daily life)1.我的小狗 My puppy
    Feb 18 2025
    1.我的小狗大家好,我是Fiona老师,欢迎收听我的慢速汉语播客。这集播客适合初级及中级的汉语学习者。通过收听慢速汉语播客,你可以有效提高你的汉语听说能力。今天我想和大家聊一聊我的小狗,Lucky。Lucky是一只香槟色的迷你贵宾犬。2019年,它在上海出生。到今年,它已经快6岁了。Lucky香槟色的毛有一些些微微卷曲,摸上去软软的。我特别喜欢抚摸它的毛,因为这样会让我感觉非常放松,当然,Lucky也很喜欢我摸它。我还特别喜欢它的尾巴,是一个圆球的形状。Lucky高兴的时候,特别喜欢摇着它的尾巴,就像装了一个发动机一样。Lucky最喜欢的食物是牛肉、羊肉、鸡肉和鸭肉。可以这么说,几乎所有的肉它都喜欢。哦,对了,它还很喜欢吃大白菜。每天晚上,我都会给他吃一点狗粮加我自己做的鲜肉。这是我从书上看到的食谱,按照这个食谱,Lucky可以变得更健康。每天下午我都会带它去公园散步,我特别喜欢带它去公园。因为在公园,它可以闻到很多不同的气味,遇到很多其他的小狗。它特别喜欢在草地上和其他小狗一起玩耍。Lucky是我的好朋友和家人,我们每天都在一起,我特别享受和它在一起的时光。你有没有宠物,你喜欢和它在一起做什么?1. My puppyHello, everyone. It’s Fiona. Welcome to listen to my slow Chinese podcast. This podcast is suitable for beginner and intermediate Chinese learners. Listening to slow Chinese podcasts can effectively improve your Chinese listening and speaking skills.Today I want to talk to you about my puppy, Lucky. Lucky is a champagne-colored mini poodle. It was born in Shanghai in 2019. By this year, it is almost 6 years old. Lucky champagne-colored hair is slightly curly and soft to the touch. I especially like to touch its hair, which makes me feel very relaxed. Of course, Lucky also likes me to touch it. I also like its tail very much, which is in the shape of a round ball. When Lucky is happy, he especially likes to wag his tail, as if it were equipped with an engine.Lucky's favorite foods are beef, mutton, chicken, and duck. It can be said that it likes almost all the meat. Oh, by the way, it also likes to eat Chinese cabbage. Every night, I will give him a little dog food and fresh meat made by myself. This is the recipe I saw in the book. According to this recipe, Lucky can become healthier.I take it for a walk in the park every afternoon. I really love to take it to the park. Because in the park, it can smell many different smells and meet many other puppies. It especially likes to play with other puppies on the grass.Lucky is my good friend and family. We are together every day, and I especially enjoy spending time with him. Do you have a pet? What do you like to do with it?HSK 1:今天 (jīntiān) - today小狗 (xiǎogǒu) - puppy/dog喜欢 (xǐhuān) - to like食物 (shíwù) - food牛肉 (niúròu) - beef鸡肉 (jīròu) - chicken晚上 (wǎnshàng) - evening公园 (gōngyuán) - park朋友 (péngyou) - friend家人 (jiārén) - familyHSK 2:听说 (tīngshuō) - listening and speaking能力 (nénglì) - ability出生 (chūshēng) - to be born今年 (jīnnián) - this year特别 (tèbié) - especially放松 (fàngsōng) - to relax高兴 (gāoxìng) - happy尾巴 (wěiba) - tail形状 (xíngzhuàng) - shape食物 (shíwù) - food羊肉 (yángròu) - lamb鸭肉 (yāròu) - duck meat大白菜 (dàbáicài) - Chinese cabbage狗粮 (gǒuliáng) - dog food鲜肉 (xiānròu) - fresh meat健康 (jiànkāng) - healthy散步 (sànbù) - to take a walk草地 (cǎodì) - grassland玩耍 (wánshuǎ) - to play享受 (xiǎngshòu) - to enjoyHSK 3:有效 (yǒuxiào) - effective提高 (tígāo) - to improve香槟色 (xiāngbīn sè) - champagne color迷你 (mínǐ) - mini贵宾犬 (guìbīn quǎn) - poodle卷曲 (juǎnqū) - curly抚摸 (fǔmō) - to stroke发动机 (fādòngjī) - engine食谱 (shípǔ) - recipe气味 (qìwèi) - smellHSK 4:播客 (bōkè) - podcast几乎 (jīhū) - almost按照 (ànzhào) - according to遇到 (yùdào) - to encounterHSK 5:贵宾犬 (guìbīn quǎn) - poodle微微 (wēiwēi) - slightly软软 (ruǎnruǎn) - soft圆球 (yuánqiú) - round ball鲜肉 (xiānròu) - fresh meatWant to learn Chinese with me? 👉https://linktr.ee/RuyiChinese
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    4 min
  • 1. 巳 sì ( oracle bone script: infant)
    Feb 13 2025

    This is a video about the story of the oracle bone script and Chinese characters. This series of videos can enable you to understand the history of the formation of Chinese characters and the related stories behind them.

    Today, let's take a look at the first Chinese character - "巳". During the oracle bone script period, this character was depicted as a creature with only a head but no limbs. In China, there is a custom for newborn babies - to wrap their limbs with cloth. Therefore, when you see this character, you can only see the baby's head and the body without hands or feet. So, the meaning of this character gradually transformed into "baby".

    The meanings of the Chinese characters such as “包、妃、祀、起” are all to some extent related to "infants".

    In ancient China, a day was divided into 12 periods. "巳时" was one of them. Can you guess what time it is now when Ji Shi comes? Ji Shi refers to the period from 9 to 11 a.m. in the present time. This might be the best time to feed babies.

    Want to learn Chinese with me? 👉https://linktr.ee/RuyiChinese

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    2 min