✅ Révisez régulièrement votre vocabulaire sur notre Instagram : @toeic.anglais, Threads : @toeic.anglais, Pinterest : @CoursEtFiches, ou notre site cours-et-fiches.com. English vocabulary. Freedom of speech.
- Informations biaisées
- Biased information
- Biased information
- Violation de vie privée
- Breach of privacy
- Breach of privacy
- Micro caché
- Bug
- Bug
- Vidéo de surveillance
- Censure
- Censorship
- Censorship
- Citoyen
- Citizen
- Citizen
- Liberté d'expression
- Freedom of speech
- Freedom of speech
- Contenu néfaste
- Harmful content
- Harmful content
- Droit de l'homme
- Human rights
- Human rights
- Informations personnelles
- Personal data
- Personal data
- Déformer
- To distort
- To distort
- Empiéter sur
- To encroach on
- To encroach on
- Se mêler de
- To get involved in
- To get involved in
- Avoir quelqu'un à l'oeil
- To keep an eye on somebody
- To keep an eye on somebody
- Empêcher de
- To prevent somebody from
- To prevent somebody from
- Compter sur
- To rely on
- To rely on
- Supprimer
- To delete, to remove.
- To delete, to remove.
- Répandre
- To spread
- To spread
- Espionner
- To spy on, to snoop on.
- To spy on, to snoop on.
- Surveiller.
- To monitor, to watch, to scrutinise.
- To monitor, to watch, to scrutinise.
- Menacer
- To threaten
- To threaten
- Faire confiance
- To trust
- To trust
- Fiable
- Trustworthy, reliable
- Trustworthy, reliable
- Illégal
- Unlawful
- Unlawful
- Lanceur d'alerte
- Whistleblower
- Whistleblower