Should Nancy in Washington take out a 401(k) loan and invest it in her brokerage account to catch up on saving for her retirement? When Joe and Big Al talk about having a balanced portfolio of various asset classes like stocks and bonds, Brian in Naperville, Illinois wonders whether that asset allocation strategy takes into account the stabilizing effect of monthly Social Security payments? That’s today on Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast 517 with Joe Anderson, CFP® and Big Al Clopine, CPA. Plus, Joy and her brother are each inheriting $400,000. How should they each invest it for their very different financial situations? Mike in Colorado has a good guaranteed income stream, so what should he do with the money he’s drawing from his taxable IRA every year - convert to Roth, put it in a brokerage account, go on a cruise? And finally, Skipper asks the fellas to spitball on whether he should do Roth conversions or take advantage of zero percent capital gains tax rates. Access free financial resources and the episode transcript:
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