From the Blog Post: I Don't Want a Life of Crumbs and Neither Should You In this episode we talk about how the choice to never settle for less than you deserve is yours alone.
Jen shares how a past break up made her realize that she didn't want a life of "crumbs", a life where she accepted less that what she was wanted—in any circumstance or relationship.
- Accepting (and being ok with) less isn't the same as lowering the bar.
- Knowing the difference between settling versus what you want in the moment.
- Don't make the phrase "it is what it is" a life sentence.
Tips + Takeaways:
1. Think big but start small. Don't try and full plate every aspect of your life at once. You'll get overwhelmed and quit.
2. Ask yourself, "Am I accepting crumbs or is this the plate I'm happy with?" In non-food terms (LOL) Am I settling or happy with what this "thing" I've chosen?
3. Choose your "plate" based on your flavors, not what somebody else is putting on me?"
Quick Shot Question: What's your favorite breakfast cereal? Connect: Email: Come along: