Revive All Ministries is a wonderful ministry led by a former New Age practitioner. For many years Mikka was deceived by the deception of witchcraft, becoming one's own god and other lies of the enemy.
Today's show is about exposing the lies behind seemingly innocent practices such as yoga, tarot cards, enneagrams, Harry Potter and other mainstream forms of witchcraft and wizardry.
Former famous New Agers such as Doreen Virtue and Steven Bancarz (Spirit Science) have since repented and have come to the Lord Jesus Christ; these are famous examples of countless others.
We read in John 14:6 that Jesus is the only way to God and in Deuteronomy 18:9-14 we read that such practices are not only rebellious against God, but are detestable before Him. The sad thing is, many people who call themselves Christians perform these demonic rituals without truly knowing what they are exposing themselves to.
If you do perform any of these acts listed or any other New Age practice we plea with you to repent of your sins and turn to Jesus Christ immediately for deliverance and forgiveness.