Welcome back baddies. Truthfully this may be one of my favorite episodes yet. We've seen it all over our feeds and if you're like me you may be feeling like you're in a bit of a time warp if going back to those middle school and high school feelings about yourself and your body because diet culture is running rampid right now.
This episode was highly requested and so many of you mentioned your struggle with seeing all these magical powders and teas and how you're feeling the need to succum to the diet culture temptations, well, hold my hoops and my chicken nuggets bitch because I'm here to hopefully give your head a shake and shed some light on all these health and wellness and what it REALLY looks like and how we can pivot from feeling like we need to give into 'legging legs' and all the empty promises a lot of these companies are pushing our way recently.
I hope this episode brings you comfort and reminds you how worthy and enough you are right NOW not at the bottom of a powder container or number on scale or pant size.
I'm rooting for you and I'm here for you!
Shake your ass, GO BE GREAT!