What happens when your life gets upended and you have to figure out how to keep up with your own needs and care, too? That’s what host Kay Coughlin talks about in this episode of the podcast. As always, no judgment, no guilt and no pressure.
Get full transcript here: FacilitatorOnFire.net/Episode106
Find information on the Here4TheKids movement and the gathering in Denver on June 5, 2023: Here4TheKids.com/
Episodes with author Kate Washington as mentioned in the podcast: 91 and 92
Find "Poison Spoon," Kay's new blog on confronting her own racism here: "Poison Spoon"
Learn about business coaching with Kay here: FacilitatorOnFire.net/Coaching/
Get the Boundaries Playlist here: FacilitatorOnFire.net/BoundariesPlaylist/
Find Kay's Sources page here: FacilitatorOnFire.net/Sources
Find the free Boundaries Community here: FacilitatorOnFire.mn.co/
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