In 2013, Charles Ramsey helped rescue three young women from a neighbor’s house and in a split second, he went from outsider to American Hero. Chris Gresham, aka Butters -- a hapless co-worker-- went along for the ride and got Chuck as a roommate on the other side -- Oy vey.
Butters, joins me to talk about what happened after the day a pretty white girl ran into a black man’s arms, Convincing Chuck NOT to get his tooth/teeth fixed (#branding), what he discovered about America and himself, also what he’s learned about life since then. You can always count on a coworker to pull you into a world of shit. And if Anderson Cooper, Snoop Dogg, BMWs and liquor are involved, that’s a #deadgiveaway -- you KNOW it’s #conversationforadults.
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Conversation for Adults is a production of Crate Media