What if your distractions are sabotaging your closest relationships? Open your eyes to the hidden costs of the digital age with Derek Champagne, who joins us to discuss the urgent issue of loneliness and the power of meaningful human connections.
Derek brings a fresh perspective with engaging stories and powerful metaphors, challenging us to rethink our approach to abundance and sharing in our daily lives.
- What distractions are doing to our bodies and relationships
- Are you emotionally unavailable for your family?
- Why fixing isolation is a LEADERSHIP conversation
- How men of faith can strive for an abundant life
There is an alarming rise of loneliness especially among young adults, and its severe health implications are enough for us as leaders to bring human connection back. Listen in to hear how we can have a role in breaking isolation.
By prioritizing relationships and removing unnecessary interruptions, you can create a life filled with success and significance. Join us as we uncover the courage required to break free from the digital chains and craft a masterpiece of meaningful connections in your life.
3 Amigos Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trMOanQQIJ8
Iron Sharpens Iron Community: https://isibrotherhood.com/community
LinkedIn Group: https://www.viewfromthetop.com/group
The ISI Newsletter: https://www.isibrotherhood.com/newsletter
Connect with Derek Champagne:
Derek's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/theartistevolution/
If you want to hear more speakers like this every month and be with the guys on the call, join the Iron Sharpens Iron Community today: https://www.isibrotherhood.com/isi-community
Connect with Big A:
View From The Top Website: https://isibrotherhood.com
The ISI Newsletter: https://www.isibrotherhood.com/newsletter
Big A’s Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronwalkerviewfromthetop/