This week on the GMBN Dirt Shed Show, Martyn Ashton is joined by Rich Payne to ask the question, are winter rides really worth it? They talk about how it might improve your riding, ways you can make riding in winter more bearable and something you may not have considered! Plus the latest MTB news, Sickest Thing Of The Week, Hacks and Bodges, Caption Contest, and of course the Bike Vault! 🚨 Use Code GMBN20 for 20% off non-discounted Peaty's Bike Care Products on* 🚨 Do you ride throughout winter? What do you do to make it easier? Watch more on GMBN... 📹 How To Have Good Rides In Bad Weather 👉 📹 Watch our Editor’s Choice Playlist 👉 📹 Watch our weekly show, The Dirt Shed Show 👉 🎵 Music - licensed by Epidemic Sound 🎵 A Much Needed Vacation - Matt Large Midnight Marauder - Matt Large #GMBN #GlobalMountainBikeNetwork #MTB #MountainBiking Thanks to our sponsors: Canyon