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A loving, relaxing, reflective Meditation offering from Helen (and Anne) intended to support you in your continuing transformation, if you so choose, on this energetically powerful day for the expansion of goodness.
Light to the mind.
Forgiveness to the unforgivable.
Peace into the chaos.
Calmness in the midst of the storm of change.
Solution to the unresolved.
🎵 Meditation Music:
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✨ "Metaphysical Street Smarts" is for entertainment and informational purposes only. The content shared on this podcast is not intended to be professional advice -- legal, medical, metaphysical, or otherwise. We encourage you to do your own research, trust your intuition, and consult with a qualified professional where needed. We're here to share and spark ideas!
✨As always we invite you to take what blesses you and leave the rest.
Thanks for tuning in and spending time with us. Until next time, stay grounded!
🎧Master of Mastering: Brad McIntyre.
🎵Theme music: