• 118. Welcoming Creation: A Celtic Advent Reflection, with Christine Sine and Brother Seán Aherne

  • Nov 25 2024
  • Durée: 11 min
  • Podcast

118. Welcoming Creation: A Celtic Advent Reflection, with Christine Sine and Brother Seán Aherne

  • Résumé

  • Toward the end of the year Earthkeepers podcast always releases a special holiday episode that breaks from the usual interview mode. In this episode, we’re gifting a passage from our friend Christine Sine’s book called Celtic Advent: Following an Unfamiliar Path Through Advent. Earthkeepers recommends this book because in it, Christine brings fresh, life-giving perspective on the conventional Western practices of advent. According to those Western practices, the advent season this year begins on Sunday, December 1—so why offer an advent reflection in November? In her book, Christine explains: “for Celtic and Orthodox Christians, advent begins the evening of November 15th – forty days before Christmas Day. Celtic Christians always prayed and fasted for 40 days in preparation for any major life event, whether it be the planting of a new monastic center, the beginning of a new adventure, as well as for preparation for Christmas and Easter.” Given the Celtic theme of the passage, it is read by Brother Seán Aherne, an Irish monk who is very familiar with the St. Kevin story that is featured in this episode.

    Christine’s website, Godspacelight
    Book: Celtic Advent: Following an Unfamiliar Path

    Brother Seán Aherne ( born 1946 ) is a Celtic Christian monk living in a small monastery on outskirts of Dublin. He is Director & founding member of the John Moriarty institute for Ecology & Spirituality in Dingle, County Kerry. Together with Míchael W.Higgins he edited : Introducing John Moriarty In His Own Words. He is a passionate supporter of John Moriarty’s vision for a Christian Monastic Hedge School for Adults called Slí na Fírinne. Over the years he animated & directed many retreats on Celtic Spirituality & the Native Irish Wisdom Tradition.

    Keywords: Advent, Celtic Advent, creation care, Saint Kevin, spirituality, environmentalism, community, nature, God, reflection, Glendalough, John Scotus Eriugena, John Philip Newell, Christ of the Celts, Carmina Gadelica, Alexander Carmichael


    · Celtic Advent begins 40 days before Christmas for preparation.
    · Creation is an expression of God, not a void of nothingness.
    · Our view of creation reflects our attitude towards God.
    · Saint Kevin exemplifies a deep connection with nature.
    · The incarnation of Christ emphasizes God's care for creation.
    · Recognizing God's concern for all creation is vital.
    · Engaging with nature can enhance our spiritual lives.
    · Reflection on creation can deepen our understanding of God.
    · Welcoming creation into our lives can be an Advent practice.

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