Podcast Notes: Eskom is trying to circumvent their debt problem by shifting the burden onto its suppliers. In the business finance world, we call this off-balance sheet financing. Remember that company called ENRON. This was their part of their gig. Find out how Eskom is passing the risk on to their suppliers. https://fastforwardbusiness.substack.com/p/the-scary-prospect-of-eskoms-off Get “Just in Time” in your inbox every weekday www.fastforwardbusiness.net/justintime https://fastforwardbusiness.substack.com/p/how-to-visualise-value The Secrets of Business Performance and Value Creation Get a free copy of my eBook at https://fastforwardbusiness.net/free-ebook-download My Business Finance course that compliments my book is called Finance on Steroids you can find it at https://fastforwardbusiness.net/financeonsteroids Follow me on Twitter @fastforwardjsy I tweet about podcasts I listen to and books I read. I am always looking for great content about value creation in business.