Are you struggling to reach five figure months? What’s stopping you from reaching them?
Why is it that some people seemingly hit 5 or 6 figure months so easily, when others struggle to just hit the 10k mark each month?
Whether you know what the reason is or not, I will be sharing the 3 things that are stopping you from five figure months. I’ll also share how you can correct and/or pivot those 3 things so you can be on your way immediately.
It’s actually easier than you think to reach a five figure month. Don’t overcomplicate it like I first did.
Our goal is to hit those five figure months by the beginning of 2022, if not by the end of 2021! Let’s do this!
- Cashflow Queen
- 063: Always Be Selling
- The Hottest Winter Ever and Cash Flow Collective
Jenna Faith is a 7 figure business coach and advocate for female entrepreneurs who know they are meant for millions. She does not believe that successful women need to learn more strategies to achieve more success; instead, she helps them restore their business alignment so that success becomes a natural extension of who they are.
Jenna is the go-to secret weapon to empower women to claim the recognition they deserve and leave a legacy that lasts. She has been featured in over 200 publications, including Business Insider, Inc., Fast Company,, and more.
- The Email Millionaire
- Million Dollar Business Academy
- Badass Business Blueprint
- Facebook Group
- Mindset Mentorship and Certification
- Business Coach Certification