We all need time to rest & recharge. But as homeschool moms that can be especially hard. If we're not intentional, it's easy for our time to quickly be filled up, leaving no time to care for our own spiritual, physical and emotional needs.
But, when we don’t take the time to take care of our spiritual, physical & emotional needs we can’t show up the way God calls us to... patience and energy run low, joy is lacking and stress abounds.
Today, we're talking about 3 steps that will help you to be intentional and find the time to fill up spiritually, physically and emotionally so you can continue to pour out all the love, encouragement and guidance for those you love most.
It’s my mission at Revival Homeschool to equip you with biblical knowledge, time management skills, & parenting strategies that will strengthen and transform your homeschool from overwhelming and unproductive to intentional and peaceful.
Connect with me: Brandy@TheNourishedMom.com
Homeschool, Christian Parenting, Homeschool Routines, Christian Mom, Homeschool Schedules