Ready to simplify your home without giving up everything you love?
Diana shares her own hilarious contrast between having barely any clothes or makeup but LOVING office supplies (Staples shopping spree, anyone? 😍).
This episode is perfect for busy moms who want a more organized home but have been scared off by extreme minimalism.
Here's what you'll discover:
- Why you can get all the benefits of decluttering without embracing a minimalist lifestyle
- What "minimal-ish" means and how it gives you permission to keep what truly matters to you
- A refreshing take on personalizing your decluttering journey (spoiler: it's okay to keep your craft supplies, kitchen gadgets, or whatever brings you joy!)
Perfect for: Listening while folding laundry, doing dishes, or during school pickup!
Ready to declutter without the pressure of becoming a minimalist? This episode is your permission slip to do it YOUR way! 🏠✨
What can you expect from this podcast and future episodes?
- 15-20 minute episodes to help you tackle your to-do list
- How to declutter in an effective and efficient way
- Guest interviews
- Deep dives on specific topics
Find Diana Rene on social media:
Pinterest: @DianaRene
Are you ready for a peaceful and clutter-free home? Watch my FREE training video “Chaos to Calm” to learn how it’s possible! And find all of my resources here.