Aeo has his previous co-host Mack slide through and she says she is definitely a tech person. Together they discuss Russia's plan to back out of the International Space Station after 2024. In EV news the tax credits for buying an EV have been updated to include used vehicles. Meta has decided to raise the 2 year old Quest 2 by $100. Instagram has gone back and forth on it's design changes to look more like TikTok after getting horrible feedback from users.
Balenciaga debuted a bag that is designed to look like a trash bag for $1790. News has come out that for the first time ever Grand Theft Auto will have a woman as a playable character for the main story. Lastly we dive into the long awaited Renaissance album from Beyoncé.
For culinary exploits and recommendations be sure to follow Mack on her @mackruheats page.
Jams & Joints: I'M THAT GIRL by Beyoncé
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Intro Song: The Code by Aeo
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Stick to the Code is produced by © Forever Future Lifestyle, 2022