Today, on Episode #136 of the Habit Thrive Podcast, we’re continuing our theme of rest by exploring why we may have trouble resting in our Me Now Years.
Part of the problem is that we sometimes mix up the terms “relax” and “rest.”
For example, you may relax at the end of the day by:
- Reading a book
- Watching TV
- Scrolling social media
But are you really “resting?”
Sure, you’re likely sitting or lying down. But your eyes are working - likely straining to read or watch a screen - and your mind is moving.
Not super restful, after all. At least, not for me.
That is not to say you can’t do these things with your leisure time.
But be careful that you don’t get sucked into the activity and wind up over-indulging.
So, what does help you rest?
- A nap?
- A meditation?
- Yoga
- A leisurely walk?
Any of these, really, could be restful for your mind, body and spirit.
Start experimenting with what works for you by delving into your dosha and how that factors in to your rest.
Lorrie xoxox
Mentioned in this episode:
- Banyan Botanicals Dosha Quiz
- In Ayurveda, the term “Prajñāparādha” (pronounced praj-nyah-pah-rah-dha) refers to “the crime against wisdom” or “mistake of the intellect.” It describes the situation where an individual knowingly engages in behaviors or actions that are harmful, despite having the wisdom or awareness that they are not beneficial. (Read more about it at Banyan Botanicals.)
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Habits, Mindfulness Routines & Self Care For Women 50 & Beyond