The skincare episode literally one person asked for is here and Zoe thinks we're skinfluencers now which is rich coming from the girly with an almost non existent skin care routine. Eye roll. Sarah's new to her skincare journey and loving her recent level up. Hello Vit C and Hydration Serum. Meanwhile Nickie applies 16 layers each morning and is suss on nearly every one of them. You better believe she's not stopping though.
Dive in for our routines, our holy grail products and the products we're ditching…or at least the products we should be ditching. Also bonus if you've also been sucked into a bullshit product by an influencer online/shaved your face like Zoe (thanks Marthaa__K you saucy minx).
And fgs don’t forget the SPF!
Good Shouts:
In the air, by L.A.B
Spotify DJ
Salted Pretzel Choceur (please forgive Zoe's pronunciation, dying) - ALDI
One Sec
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