Sofia Elizondo is the COO and co-founder of Brightseed, a Silicon Valley startup that is bringing nature's intelligence to life. Sofia shares her insights on how she co-founded Brightseed on the belief that food should nourish us on a more natural basis and that plants have the answers to our well being and now she and her team are building the technology in machine-learning to find all these answers at a much faster pace. With an impressive team, Brightseed has raised $27MM and much of that during the pandemic. We are excited to learn more about this ground breaking technology. Sofia Elizondo es la COO y co-fundadora de Brightseed, una startup de Silicon Valley que da vida a la inteligencia de la naturaleza. Sofia nos comparte su historia como co-fundadora y su creencia en que nuestros alimentos nos deben de nutrir de una manera mas natural y las plantas tienen toda esta informacion bioquimica. Sofia y su equipo han desarrollado una plataforma que utiliza inteligencia artificial para poder descifrar esta informacion a un ritmo mas acelerado que en un laboratorio. Estamos muy entusiasmados de escuchar esta interesante platica.