During the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for outdoor gear skyrocketed, leading brands to ramp up production. But as the dust settled, it became clear that the industry had overestimated long-term consumer demand.
Now, we’re left with an oversaturated market, constant sales cycles, and a looming question:
What do we do with all this extra gear?
To help unpack this issue, I’m joined by Megan Davin, the founder of Adventurous Threads.
We’ll explore what led to this oversupply, how it’s affecting retailers and consumers, and what steps companies and individuals can take to shift the industry toward a more sustainable future.
Megan Davin is a passionate outdoor enthusiast with over 18 years in the outdoor industry. Based in Vermont, Megan has dedicated her career to blending the worlds of customer service, sales, and marketing to help brands tell meaningful stories that drive connection and sales.
Megan is the Founder and Owner of Adventurous Threads, a Vermont-based mobile and online outdoor consignment business that provides affordable, high-quality gear to outdoor lovers. By keeping quality equipment in circulation, Adventurous Threads aims to make outdoor adventures accessible while reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices.
Together, Megan and Adventurous Threads are dedicated to inspiring responsible, sustainable outdoor practices and connecting people to the outdoors in a way that fosters appreciation, understanding, and stewardship of nature.
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Adventurous Threads
Website: https://adventurousthreads.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adventurous_threads