Nick Lamanga travels the country, securing real estate deals, training with jiujitsu legends and runs his amazingly successful The A-Game Podcast.
0.00: Nick’s life traveling the country to find real estate deals and train jiujitsu
4.00: How daily habits make a difference in health
9.00: The lack of concern for physical and mental health
15.00: Nick’s thoughts on the start of 2025
20.00: Nick sees opportunities in high interest rates
25.00: How to solve problems with seller financing and creative deals
30.00: How Nick structures his deals
35.00: Importance in thinking outside the box, and focusing your time wisely
Nick’s Wisdom:
Always be Learning and Growing.
Get Comfortable being Uncomfortable.
Play the Long Game.
Employ Multiply Strategies.
Maintain Daily Habits.
Harness the Power of Jiujitsu.
Until next time, love and good vibes.
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