We discuss listener responses to the question “What are you in denial about?” Topics include the pitfalls of awareness, chronic mental illness, romanticizing your bad choices, and why harm reduction will fix everything. We also tell stories about shoplifting. Enjoy?
If you want to read the full essay that was published in response to this poll, you can find it on Kiki Walter’s Substack!
See below for ways to follow us and join in the conversation:
* Subscribe to our Substack: Pickles and Vodka: a Mental Health Podcast
* Follow our Instagram: @picklesandvodkapodcast
* Join our Facebook group: Pickles and Vodka: a Mental Health Podcast
* Send us an email: picklesandvodkapodcast@gmail.com
* Christina's personal Instagram: @xtinajumper
* Christina's other podcast: field notes from crisis corner
* Lauren's personal Instagram: @lauren__afh (but mostly @picosauve)
* Edited by Christina Jumper
* Theme song is Insane OK by The Whines from Free Music Archive
Get full access to Pickles and Vodka at picklesandvodka.substack.com/subscribe