Shane’s company, Streignth, is a fitness and lifestyle brand that focuses on empowering individuals to take control of their mind, body, and spirit.
As part of the Project Rookie Community, you can use code “projectrookie” for a discount on your order at
- Starting a business requires delayed gratification and the ability to overcome insecurities.
- Growing a business requires great discipline and a laser-focus on what you want to achieve.
- Having the right mentors and role models can greatly impact personal growth and success.
- Building a strong brand identity and creating a community of like-minded individuals have been instrumental in Streignth’s success.
- Managing your energy and not letting other people's opinions define you is crucial.
- Take ownership of your actions and focus on what you CAN control.
- Continuous improvement and learning from mistakes are essential for growth.
- Meditation can help clear the mind, improve focus, and set a positive tone for the day.
- Entertaining other people’s view of your insecurities is letting THEM WIN, don’t let them win.
- College provides you with the opportunity to re-invent yourself, take advantage of this!
Try the STREIGNTH Challenge HERE
More of Shane Skaar HERE
More of Project Rookie HERE