Middle Age cat art is the topic this Thirsty Thursday. Dani and Squid are joined by Josh (v2.0) and Aly to discuss--but mostly laugh at and look over--cat paintings, drawings, and art from the late Middle Ages.
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Artwork Discussed:
Flaisch Macht Flaish, c1555, Germany (?)
Pilate Washes His Hands, c1475-1500
The Spinner and the Visitor, c15th century
16th Century Manuscript about Roman Princes, c1454, Jean Mansel
Bathing Cat with Medieval French Proverb: Aussi aise que un chat qui ce baigne, c15th century, France
Unknown one that Dani can't source but is likely a monk kissing a cat, unsourced
Still Life with Green Soup, c1972, Fernando Botero
El niño Jesús, c1966, Fernando Botero
Mona Lisa, c1978, Fernando Botero
Marked "Explicit" for: strong language and nudity in some art
Music: « Punky » from Bensound.com
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