It’s a new year. Are you ready to rise above estrangement and adversity and chart a new path for yourself? I’m not talking about establishing new years resolutions. I am talking about revolutionary changes.
Change can set your heart free from anxiety and worry about anything and everything. There has never been a better time than now. You’ve just come out of the holidays and may have experienced sadness over loss of relationships.
I reached that point in my life and discovered the #1 relationship that could transform all others, and I’ll talk about that and offer some strategies for you in today’s episode.
Are you ready to close the door to the things that cause you grief, sadness, shame, and worry? Are you ready to rise on the winds of adversity? Let’s roll!
Find the full transcript for this episode plus resources for women at Estrangement: Turning Pain into Peace at
Becky Kolb helps people with estranged relationships find peace and the ability to move forward from guilt & shame, learn to live with the relationship as it is, overcome a shredded self-esteem and develop boundaries and non-negotiables for healthy relationships. And the result is living your passion and purpose! Contact Becky at