How to incorporate praying the Rosary into your family's prayer life and how to use it to teach reverence in prayer and reverent prayer postures.
Rule of St. Benedict (Purchase a copy), CHAPTER XX: CONCERNING REVERENCE IN PRAYER
If when we wish to seek any favour from men of influence we presume not to do so except with humility and reverence, how much more must supplication be made with all humility and purity of devotion to the Lord God of all? And let us bear in mind that it is not in much speaking that we are graciously heard but in purity of heart and tears of penitence. And so our prayer should be pure and short, unless haply it be prolonged as a result of the infusion of divine grace. In any case however let prayer in common be made short and at a signal from the superior let all keep time together in rising to a standing position.
Read more from Scott at Pray the Day with your family (includes Catholic prayer infographics).