Have you ever told your loved one they have dementia, only to be met with anger or disbelief? It’s one of the most challenging situations caregivers face—trying to explain something their loved one simply can’t understand.
In this episode, we uncover the concept of anosognosia—a condition where the brain doesn’t recognize the reality of cognitive decline—and share ways to approach this struggle with patience, love, and faith.
The episode emphasizes the importance of community support. Caregivers who seek guidance early are better equipped to navigate challenges like anosognosia with confidence and peace. Whether it’s through coaching, online communities, or caregiver groups, having a support system lightens the burden.
Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today! https://www.thinkdifferentdementia.com/quiz
Join the FREE Dementia Caregiver Support Facebook Group today for more support: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dementiacaregiversupportforchristians
Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered. https://dementiacaregivingmadeeasy.com/ask
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