Have you noticed your loved one with dementia having outbursts or aggressive responses? Do you feel like you're constantly walking on eggshells around caregivers or family? In this episode, we explore why these behaviors happen and practical strategies to address them, so you can navigate this journey with confidence and faith.
Caregiving is overwhelming when you try to do it alone. The episode ends with a reminder to join a supportive community early in your caregiving journey. Having a place to ask questions, share struggles, and get practical help makes all the difference.
Faith also plays a central role in navigating these challenges. By trusting in God’s strength and wisdom, caregivers can approach each day with renewed patience and grace.
Ever Wonder How To Know What Is Causing Your Caregiver Stress? Take Our FREE Caregiver Stress Assessment Today! https://www.thinkdifferentdementia.com/quiz
Join the FREE Dementia Caregiver Support Facebook Group today for more support: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dementiacaregiversupportforchristians
Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Join the FREE "Ask the Dementia Coach" Monthly Meet Up! And be on the podcast, get support and your questions answered. https://dementiacaregivingmadeeasy.com/ask
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