If you've ever felt guilty about letting your son struggle, or found yourself managing every aspect of his life (hello, checking those missing assignments!), you're not alone. Research shows that over-helping our teens will actually lower their confidence and increase anxiety.
But here's the good news - you can shift from micromanaging to guiding without damaging your relationship.
In todays episode you will get a simple checklist to recognize enabling behaviors, learn the difference between helping and enabling, and discover how to step back while staying connected. You'll learn practical strategies to empower your son's independence while managing your own anxiety about letting go.
Because letting go isn't loving him less - it's actually loving him better.
Ready to dive deeper? Join our community of boy moms in our free Facebook group "Raising Boys, Building Men" where we continue these important conversations.
Want simple ways to connect with your teen today? Click HERE for our Boy Mom's Blueprint
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