Hey Guys,
In this episode of Declutter Your Chaos, we're diving into a topic that is essential for a clutter-free life—time management! I’m sharing my simple yet powerful block system that helps organize your weekly tasks into broad categories, making it easier to stay on top of everything without feeling overwhelmed. This system not only keeps you accountable but also reduces anxiety by ensuring you’re giving attention to all the important areas of your life—Home, Family, Me Time, and Errands. Here are my twelve blocks...yours may be different:
HOME (blue)
Cleaning: daily reset, wash car, dishes, vacuum, mop, dust, bathrooms, kids rms
Decluttering decluttering block
Food prep (prep and cooking)
Laundry laundry block
FAMILY - (green) with or for the family
General family (driving kids around, family dinner, weekly friend dinner, weekly game time, jogging with henry, going to games)
volunteer : pta, cotillion
Pets: (walks,feeding, grooming)
ME (pink/yellow)
mind work block (meditation, breathwork, journaling) pink
body work block (yoga, running, walking, lifting weights) yellow
General me time- (piano, getting ready, boyfriend, tv, scrolling, friends, makeup, hair, shopping) yelllow
11. Errands
WORK (purple
12. Work (making money)
I hope this is helpful. Let me know if you try it!
Links and Resources:
- 🌟Link to my decluttering planner: https://declutteryourchaos.com/decluttering-planner
- Sign up for Amber's course — Join the waitlist for the March session
- Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/declutteryourchaos/Here's the link to join our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/declutteryourchaos/