Learn how to create your personal affirmation statement as Cory dives deep into why positive affirmations statements can help motivate, encourage positive change in your life and boost self-esteem. If you frequently find yourself getting caught up in negative self-talk, learn how to use a personal I AM statement to combat these often subconscious patterns and replace them with more adaptive narratives.
You'll Learn
- What is a personal affirmation
- How a personal affirmation can improve a positive life outcome and even help you achieve your dreams
- Why the benefits of personal affirmations are backed by science
- How to create you I AM Statement
- How to maximize your I AM Statement every day
Five steps to create an I AM Statement
- Introduce yourself
- List adjectives that describe you
- List nouns that identify you
- List verbs/adverbs that define what you do and will do
- Create a bold and powerful ending
Want to share your I AM statement with Cory? Email your completed I AM statement to Cory (click here to email) and he will reach out to provide feedback if it makes sense.
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