Shamanic Light Language 🌈 Light Language 👽👁🦄⭐️ Shamanic Perceptions Greetings Goddesses & Gods !!!! Just sit back and tune inner ears and sight to the Shamanic Light Language TRAnmission. Light Language activates our inner truth/ our divine self. All codes are different for everyone so go by YOUR Feelings and decipher what the message is telling you. Use YOUR Shamanic Perceptions 👁🦄⭐️ we lOve yOu GuYYZZZ!!! sTAy uplIFTED & grOunDED!!! FEEL FREE to reach out about anything!!!! Probe out our newest Social Media platforms. Check our new website: Like us on Facebook: We offer a wide variety of healing modalities for Mind Body Spirit.Discover yourself, your soul mission and life path. In order to speak the truth 1 must 1st retrieve the soul that has been stolen from you throughout the past and to discover the real you.Life transformation. Numerology and Oracle readings.Reiki/heART language attunements and DNA activations. Contact- 216-272-3173Email- Feel like dropping some love offerings? All offerings go toward the betterment of the channel, equipment, travel, communication, new space, meet ups, exchanging intelligence and healing energy and anything you feel is needed. Most important it goes towards the betterment of HUMANITY! OUR WORLD OUR TRUTH!! PLEASE LIKE-COMMENT-SHARE. It means the WORLD to us!!!Keep up with our other social media platforms Cosmic Consciousness Channel FOLLOW TWITTER-- IDONTGIVEAFUCK CHANNEL-- OUR SELF EMPLOYMENT & SPIRITUAL JOURNEY CHANNEL-- WE LOVE YOU ALL!! JUST BE YOU & GO WITH IT!!!Email us @ write or send crazy cosmic shit?dennisKpo box 34316cleve oh 44134 #cityshaman #life #eclecticshaman #shaman #witchdoctor #medicineman #EU #HSHA #HSHMA #numerologist #cosmicconsciousness #lightwarrior #RainbowWarrior #EarthWarrior #beunique #beinspiring #becosmic #cityshamanlife#numerology #VooDooRanger #CosmicKnowledge #SelfHealing #PinkBuilder #occultist #lightlanguage #reikienergy #reikihealing #reikimaster #WITCHCRAFT #WITCHCRAFThealing #ARADIA#CosmicShaman #TranscendingWithDennyK #TheExperience#AradiaWitchcraft #SoulTribe #SoulWarrior #SoulRetrieval#CosmicWitch #CosmicFlame #CosmicReikiFLame #Reiki #ShamanicReiki