In this third episode of the Smith's summary of their Divine Healing, Divine Health series, Craig and LaDonna pick up where they left off at the end of last week's session. They were answering the question, Is it God's will that we all be healed at all times? Clearly the Scriptures point out that God's ways are not the ways of the health, wealth, and prosperity preachers filling the airways with their false teaching. It's an important reminder about the authority of the Scriptures in our lives and in what shapes how we do ministry. Which led to the reminder of how we can transfer from a focus on Divine Healing to embracing and learning to live in Divine Health when God chooses not to heal our bodies. Psalms 57:1-2 was reviewed once again as crucial to Craig's understanding of disasters being used by God to fulfill His purposes for our lives, and, yes, that includes the lives of those He has called to full-time vocational ministry as well. The importance of both Divine Healing and Divine Health is connected, as Pastor Smith points out, to the Atoning work of Christ on the cross and in the empty tomb. As Pastor Smith put it, "Healing is Friday, Health is Sunday!" And a thorough review could not overlook the crucial revealing of the mystery that had been hidden from many generations, which is what Craig calls, "The Believer's Advantage." That is, "Christ in you, the hope of glory!" The indwelling Christ makes all the difference whether it be for Divine Healing or for Divine Health. The episode ends with LaDonna's reminder from Psalms 139 that our days have been numbered by God, Himself, before we ever lived one of them. That liberating reality has helped the Smiths powerfully embrace the sovereignty of God in their journey, resulting in the indwelling Christ making all the difference! What a way to live for the believer in Christ!