USCG Captain Aaron Delano Johnson is the U.S. Coast Guard Liaison Officer (CGLO) to the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) in Doral, Florida. IN this interview CAPT DJ provides detailed insights into his career, spanning multiple international deployments and engagement with various partner nations. He discusses the diverse roles and missions of the Coast Guard, including maritime law enforcement, search and rescue, drug interdiction, and international cooperation, particularly in the Caribbean and Latin America. Johnson highlights the specific challenges and interactions the Coast Guard faces in countries like Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti. He also elaborates on the Coast Guard's involvement in broader security cooperation activities, security training, and humanitarian assistance. Beyond his Coast Guard duties, Johnson serves on the board of the Foreign Area Officer Association, promoting advocacy, professional development, and networking among FAOs across different services. The episode provides a comprehensive look at the strategic importance of the Coast Guard's international role and the value of strong inter-agency and international relationships.